Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Positity Week

This week is the 3rd annual positivity week with Ms. Hayley and oh boy and I'm super stoked about it. There have been a lot of things happening in my life that are shaping me each and everyday, and i really wish i had started to blog earlier on this year.
At college i have learned to be alone; God is truly breaking me so that I get closer to Him. I am not used to being alone (i always seem to have a boyfriend and tons of friends) so this is quite a challenge. There are weeks where i don't get to spend much time with my great and amazing friends, so i feel alone, and its just an odd feeling. But as for the being single thing, i can honestly say that it is something has needed to happen for a long time. Why put my worth in a guy or a relationship? I need to find my own worth before pouring so much love into someone else. God is teaching me something new everyday, and although its finals week i know that I need to trust in Him and spend time with Him daily to remember how great He truly is.

I am so grateful for my small group that i am a part of this year, and could not chose a better group of girls to surround myself with. The Lord honestly hand picks who we are supposed to be close with, and He has chosen quite a great bunch for me :) Gotta love coffee dates, runs, and "naked" (Bible Study) on a weekly basis!

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